Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Sweet little Jaydin

This is Jaydin, she's about 7 weeks old. My cousin's first baby, I was so excited to find she was gonna be having a baby. She came over and spent some time with us and I decided I would quickly set up for a little mini shoot. I made her that bow real quick and set up. Nothing to it :) I'll tell you one thing though, she is the most ACTIVE 7 week old ever though.  This little one was moving all over.....She has places to go and people to see don'tcha know, lol. She's so darn perfect, she's exactly the type of baby you would wanna replicate and make into a little doll. So beautiful....

Dallas tuns "ONE"

So lil' miss Dallas turned one, she's got two whole teeth poking through the bottom and just boat loads of smiles to go with them, she's too funny....Here's some pics of her in her birthday outfit. Her Nana got this for her, and I didn't know really how it was gonna go over with her, she didn't seem to mind at all though :)

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Amy & Derek Engagement session at the L.A. Arboretum

So I got to go up to L.A. to meet Amy & Derek for their engagement session and let me tell you....the pictures came out BEAUTIFUL!! You can tell that what they have is real, the pics don't lie, lol :)  Really though, the day couldn't have been more beautiful.....Enjoy!

They designed this ring themselves! Isn't it gorgeous, and I'll tell you, in the sun it just glowed! Well that's it for now, but they'll be getting married in August at the Clark Estate, so be sure to check in for some great shots!

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Martini Party

So I've never attended a "Martini Party" before, but last nite I had the pleasure of shooting one. It was hosted by miss Chante, and she had a bunch of her girlfriends over to have a fabulous time.....They made martini's (of course), decorated some glasses with their own personal, fashionable style AND has fun taking some crazy photos.

They were a fun crowd for sure, and I think I just may have my OWN martini party now!

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