Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Zoo time

After being stuck in the house for like a week, we decided to pack up and pay a visit to "jamma"(grandma). She thought it would be a good idea to go to either Legoland or the Zoo, the kids chose the Zoo...

I hadn't really just relaxed and taken photos for fun in a really long time. It was nice, I love to just capture these funny little moments. I was cracking up....My oldest in the red (Dylan) was getting scared of these things that he's NEVER been afraid of and my younger boy (Jonny) was just getting more and more bold. Dallas my baby girl was just loving it! She just started to walk in the beginning of the month and this was the first public place I let her really roam and touch things. She really took advantage of that, lol.

I hope I get to this more often.

All day I used one zoom lens 28-135 with my Canon 5D and no flash. LOVED IT!! So easy, simple and stress free.

I hadn't been there in soooo long, it's amazing all of the things that have changed. I look at the kids as they were running around, and I just laugh to myself, I'm so happy, they're happy.


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