Wednesday, August 25, 2010

I'm melting...

I'm literally melting, I picked my Dylan up from class and I could feel the sweat drops seeping down underneath my sunglasses....I know I probably looked disgusting. Plus I actually tried doing my makeup and hair today considering the last week and a half I've been barely able to force myself to get dressed in "non-pajama" clothes...*enid*.....hahaha...

Then we rushed to get backed to are non-working un-airconditioned car and in the process the sprinklers came on, I just imagined running through them stroller and all!! Just shaking my hair around like a wet dog...hahaha....yea, that didn't happen, I told the boys they could run fact I tried convincing them...they didn't go for it....they're crazy.

We got into our 100 degree car, burnt my hands on the door handles, burnt my hands on the seat belts....hauled a** all the way to Walgreens to get a dogfood and a plug outlet (since the nite before I zapped myself, cause I'm a clutz), and because I dreaded the idea of going back to the car....I started to wander....the kids faces were red, Dallas' was passed out in the basket and we're ALL I figured that if we walked around long enough that we'd cool just fills UP the basket.....

I'm a doddler....

Anyways I ended up driving home (after putting most the stuff in the basket back) with icecreams melting in OUR hands!!! It was everywhere!! Plus ALL of the windows were down, so the icecream blew all over us and mine Dallas' hair was covered in icecream....

Ugh....I'm totally melting today...


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