Sunday, March 14, 2010

Shadi & Sam

Yesterday I planned a whole day with the kids, but nothing went as planned, lol....We ended up spending the day cleaning, getting ready and passing out wedding invitations....But I did promise that I would take them to the mall, we got three bags of candy....Lots of gummy worms, gummy sharks and gummy bugs...Dylan (my oldest), kept saying "this is the best day ever!" it was sweet. I think next time we'll go the park instead....

On Friday I took some fun pictures of Sam & Shadi kinda like a day after shoot, except it was more like a couple weeks after....It's always so much more relaxing when you do these style of shoots, so many more places to go and more time to just talk...They're also going to be my D.J.'s for my wedding, so I wanted to so much for them

And she just adores her pups, so we had to make sure that they got in on the action :) I think they were just as excited!

And here's one where she's just in a moment, I thought she looked very serene and happy...Shadi you're just beautiful!

I couldn't resist putting some extras from the wedding, here's some of my faves...their wedding party was great, you could tell they really loved Sam & Shadi.


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