Monday, May 31, 2010

Eli + Robbie= Jackson

This sweet looking couple is Eli and Robbie (robbie's my cousin). We had a bar-b-que this weekend and gave us the perfect opportunity to snap up some quick pics before she has Jackson. For being as quick as it was, there sure were ALOT that I loved.....



Robbie complained about all the stickers...I promised him it'd be worth it....I think I was right :)





Eli has the absolute, most beautiful baby belly ever!! Her tummy had no lines whatsoever....seriously, the only editing done was tone.

We shot all of these in about 30 minutes, I know that if we'd gone longer there would've so many more pics that I probably wouldn't have these images up at all because I'd still be going through them.

Thank you Eli and Robbie! I can't wait for Jackson to be born so I can some newbie pics of him :)


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