Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Photo Tip of the day

When I first started this blog, it was because I was wanting to share what I knew myself. I don't know everything, or even alot. But my passion and eye may be useful to someone else who's just getting started and is looking for help or answers.

Have you ever done a shoot where that pose you shot would've been perfect if they didn't blink, or if they were looking right at you, or not at you at all?

What I try to do when I take a photo is, I'll set a couple up into a pose. Then I'll shoot several shots of that pose....look at me...ok, look to the side, alright look at eachother. Then I'll switch up my angles, zoom in for tight shots or zoom out, and maybe even take a couple of diagonal shots, or shots from the ground. Of that one pose you can get 10 pictures that look completely different or that look similar, it's up to you.

Try to as much as you can, to crop with your camera, rather than cropping in Photoshop, or other editing programs. This will give you a better picture in the end and it will also save you in editing time. Imagine how you would crop that picture while you're shooting it, and take several.

Below, all the same pose, different angles or tighter crops...I would have them do three things with every crop or angle shot...but it's so fast...Boom...boom....boom... :)


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