Friday, July 16, 2010


This thing we do's crazy...amazing...and phenomenal...I wake up every morning, usually about sunrise just before the kids wake up. That leaves me to about 15...maybe 20 minutes of alone time...Then Dylan will come in and say "good morning mom"..."I'm hungry"...So then we start breakfast and wait for the rest of the clan to wake up...which would be Jonny & Dallas.

I enjoy the morning with them...they're always so happy and still have those adorable sleepy faces...

Then I start thinking about how 'these are the days of my life'....really...they are. I'll never have these moments again...I'm just so appreciative. I feel so lucky to be their mom and my husbands did this happen? What did I do in life that the world and all of it's miraculous wonders guided me to this?

I won't are crazy....but they're so funny....and honest....and for the most part innocent.

Favorite things the boys are saying right now:

Dylan (5years old): "ARE YOU SURE?" he's always making you second guess yourself it so funny.

Jonny (3): "your the best mom in the world"....and "I don't ever wanna get old like you" lol....I know...I'm OLD!!!

Dallas (1): She says right now it's really funny to watch her flush the potty and go "bye-bye"

Sometimes I don't know how I do just make it work somehow..........I don't know how.......I'm the last person who thought I'd ever have 3 kids...but I feel incredibly lucky everyday...

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Emma & Matt's Wedding

So I had the privilege of shooting Emma & Matt's wedding last Saturday at the Dos Lagos Lakeside venue in Corona and it was beautiful...her dress was amazing....the reception site like nothing I've ever shot....and this energy that could shoot someone to the moon. They were definitely in love and you could see it all over their faces.






They each gave eachother a gift before the wedding...great minds think alike...


Matt helping his brothers with the final touches...





Their first look....

I loooove this!

You are stunning Emma...


My fave shot of the day!

This was truly a beautiful day Marie & I were soo glad to be a part of it.
 Congratulations Emma & Matt Ungeheier!!

If you liked what you saw then let me know...

Friday, July 9, 2010


I shot with Hayley, who's a beautiful up ancd coming model, I knew she'd be a great model in one of the spare wedding dresses I had around. We managed to get Jenni Bailey to do hair and makeup which turned out fabulous. It was a really quick shoot because I had a meeting literally right after the shoot. But I just love the natural feel these pictures have.

I shot with all natural light, on my 5D with my 50 1.4 (my all time FAVE lens), it was around 6:30ish when we started, which was PERFECT! I loved the light that was available.


Hayley and Jen....YOU GUYS ROCKED!!! I definitely look forward to working with you guys again and a crazy out of the box project....can't wait!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Looking back at some of my fave shoots...

It's so fun to look back at some of the pics I've shot, sometimes I forget about the different things I've done and I zone in too much on what I'm doing now. When I first began shooting photography it was all about fashion for me...I LOVE FASHION. It's so versatile and I can really put a spin on who I am in the fashion sense.

I love making people just look good and feel good after they see their's funny because sometimes you don't realize how beautiful you are until you see it in a photo. You think "WOW, that doesn't even look like me!"....but it does, you just don't see yourself like that :) You don't see yourself the way others do and the way my camera catches you.

These pictures are of my two fave models ever....Enid (the gorgeous burnette) and Jessica (the blonde, most of the time)....They are also the nicest girls ever.....I love these pics of them....

It's not really hard to get a good picture I feel like...but it is hard to choose between the fabulous ones.


Saturday, July 3, 2010


The process of just getting inspired is always soo fun. You flip through magazines, you look on line at various blogs & websites. You walk through your neighborhood at dusk and notice random things, kids riding frogs instead of cars, people falling into big giant trash cans and dogs going at it like fireworks on the 4th of July.

I've been so busy with life lately, getting ready to finish some tests, always keeping the house clean behind 3 kids and trying to make sure my husband's happy and fed :) I forget sometimes to make some time for myself and just get inspired.

So lately, I've been motivating myself to get ready for some BIG shoots. I'm going to be doing some swimsuit shoots and some bridal shoots, being talking to some makeup artists, and event coordinators. I'm gonna start slowly and end with some phenomenal things!!

I can't wait to share with you some of my inspiration.

What inspires you?

These little guys inspire me :)

Friday, July 2, 2010


I've been meaning to post this for a best friend came out from Colorado on her vacation and she invited us to join her for the trip to Disneyland....who can say no to DISNEYLAND!! So, we brought her two girls and my two boys packed up as early as we could manage with 4 kids and headed off. Now the thing with kids is....they have sooooo much energy....they make me feel extremely had soo much fun though. Here's some pics from the day....

Here they are waiting for the tram to come get us so we can go in....

My best friend and her girls, crazy thing....we've know eachother since elementary school been best friends since high school...We've got a million and one memories and the best are yet to come....

Me and my two oldest...I look crazy in this picture, lol....we're getting ready to go on Pirates of the Carribean, so they're doing they're hook fingers :)

She's beyond excited about getting ready to go into the haunted house....she's so funny...

I just love all the detail of the haunted house, it's gorgeous!

Here they are as soon as they were buckled, lol, they had the longest day ever

All in all it was a pretty magical day....the kids handled everything really well for the most part. No fighting a little bit of crying from being scared of some of the rides, just the boys though, go figure....the girls were champs, lol....I think the boys will definitely be ready when we go back the next time.

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