Friday, July 16, 2010


This thing we do's crazy...amazing...and phenomenal...I wake up every morning, usually about sunrise just before the kids wake up. That leaves me to about 15...maybe 20 minutes of alone time...Then Dylan will come in and say "good morning mom"..."I'm hungry"...So then we start breakfast and wait for the rest of the clan to wake up...which would be Jonny & Dallas.

I enjoy the morning with them...they're always so happy and still have those adorable sleepy faces...

Then I start thinking about how 'these are the days of my life'....really...they are. I'll never have these moments again...I'm just so appreciative. I feel so lucky to be their mom and my husbands did this happen? What did I do in life that the world and all of it's miraculous wonders guided me to this?

I won't are crazy....but they're so funny....and honest....and for the most part innocent.

Favorite things the boys are saying right now:

Dylan (5years old): "ARE YOU SURE?" he's always making you second guess yourself it so funny.

Jonny (3): "your the best mom in the world"....and "I don't ever wanna get old like you" lol....I know...I'm OLD!!!

Dallas (1): She says right now it's really funny to watch her flush the potty and go "bye-bye"

Sometimes I don't know how I do just make it work somehow..........I don't know how.......I'm the last person who thought I'd ever have 3 kids...but I feel incredibly lucky everyday...


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